Contoh Soal Tes Toefl Dan Jawaban Pdf

2020. 2. 22. 02:24카테고리 없음

Jumlah soal dari sesi listening comprehension yaitu 50 soal yang dibagi ke dalam 3 bentuk. Bentuk pertama (part A) terdiri dari umumnya terdiri dari 30 percakapan pendek antara dua orang, laki-laki dan perempuan yang setiap percakapannya diikuti 1 soal. Itu berarti terdapat 30 soal pada part a yang harus anda jawab. Bentuk kedua (part b) umumnya terdiri dari 2 percakapan panjang juga antara dua orang yang setiap percakapan diikuti empat pertanyaan. Secara keseluruhan ada 8 soal dalam sesi part b. Bentuk yang ke tiga yaitu part c yang terdiri dari 3 talk / pidato panjang (seorang dosen, professor sedang menjelaskan pelajaran). Masing-masing talk diikuti 4 pertanyaan.

(woman) Welcome to this introductory meeting for new members of the Sierra Club. The Sierra Club is an organization whose goals are centered on the protection of the environment.


Soal Toefl Dan Jawaban

It was founded in 1892 in San Francisco by naturalist John Muir, who was intent on preserving the natural beauty and harmony of the Sierra Nevadas in eastern California. Today the Sierra Club boasts almost 200,000 members in all fifty states of the United States. Through activities such as conferences, lectures, exhibits, and films, the organization works to continue the effort begun by John Muir. The Sierra Club also publishes a weekly newsletter, a bimonthly magazine, and various books.

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Contoh Soal Tes Toefl

Latihan tes toefl

(man) The next stop on our campus tour for new freshmen is the university sports complex. This university has extensive sports facilities and is dedicated to providing maximum student access to these facilities. On the right you can see the university stadium, which is used for football and soccer as well as track and field. The gymnasium straight ahead contains the arena that is used for basketball and gymnastics.

The gymnasium also includes an up-to-date exercise room with a large variety of the latest equipment; the exercise room is open to any student with valid student I.D., not just members of athletic teams. The pool complex is behind the gymnasium, and that is also open for general student use, except when the swim team, the diving team, or the water polo team is practicing. To the left, you can see the tennis courts and outdoor volleyball courts. It is possible to take instruction classes in these sports, or you are welcome to sign up for court time at the Athletic Department office if you just want to play with some of your friends. These are just some of the sports facilities that are available to you here, but I think you can see that this university makes an effort to provide the best opportunity for its students to take part in sports.

Now, let's continue on to the Art Center. (woman) Today's lecture is on the difference between the two literary styles of realism and naturalism. These two styles have in common a faithfulness to actual experience and a mistrust of idealism.

Although they do have several similarities, realism and naturalism should be clearly differentiated. The realist objectively reports on events, with the accuracy of the description as the prime motive. The naturalist, on the other hand, has more of a philosophic bent; naturalist writings express the writer's philosophy that human actions are determined by natural laws such as heredity and environment.